Health and Safety
COVID 19 Procedures

At For Kids’ Sake, the health of your children and our staff members is always our first priority. Following the guidance of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC,) The Office of Child Development and Learning (OCDEL) and the Montgomery County Office of Public Health (OPH,) we have modified our operating procedures to create the safest possible learning environment.
FKS has always maintained high standards for cleaning and hygiene protocols. In addition, we have made the following changes in an effort to prevent/reduce the spread of Covid-19. Our policies have been created using the guidance of the experts and will be changed and modified along with their recommendations.
Facility Sanitization
FKS has always and will continue to be professionally cleaned
nightly by a company trained in proper sanitization and disinfecting protocols to prevent Covid-19. In addition, our staff members
are disinfecting high touch surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, tables, and faucet handles at least three times throughout the day. Toys and materials will be sanitized after each use and individual materials such as pencils, crayons, and markers will be used
whenever possible.
Car Line Drop-Off & Pick Up
FKS has chosen to limit those permitted in the building to children, staff members, auxiliary teachers such as gym and music teachers, and therapists providing necessary services that cannot be conducted remotely. Parents will drive up to the entrance where a staff member will greet them, perform the health check, provide masks, and escort the children to their classrooms. At pick-up, parents will drive up to the entrance and a staff member will escort the children to your car.
Hand Washing & Hygiene
AT FKS, handwashing has always been a priority. Children and staff members will continue to wash hands for at least 20 seconds when entering the classroom, after toileting, after wiping noses or bodily fluids, and before and after eating.
Daily Health Screening
Health screenings will be required before children and staff members enter the building. The Daily Health Screening includes a temperature check, visual check for signs of illness, and confirmation from parents that the child has no signs or symptoms of illness and neither the child nor any family member has knowingly come in contact with someone who is presumed or has been recently diagnosed with Covid-19. Children will be periodically assessed throughout the day to ensure that they are not exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19.
Face Masks
As per the most current recommendations of the CDC, OCDEL, OPH, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, all staff members and children ages two and over (who are able) will continue to wear masks indoors with the exception of meals and snacks. Masks will be optional outdoors, but staff members will continue to be required wear masks anytime they are working closely, holding, or speaking closely with a child.
Social Distancing Measures
FKS will do our best to social distance where it is practical and not detrimental to the growth and development of the children. Clear barriers have been placed to separate children at tables when working and eating. Nap mats and cots will be placed as far apart as possible and children will sleep alternating head-to-foot.
What Hasn’t Changed?
Children at FKS will continue to experience the same loving and nurturing environment as they did before the pandemic. Children will still play in groups, they will still learn to share, and, most importantly, their teachers will continue to provide them with all the hugs, snuggles, and TLC they have come to expect.