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Fun & Creativity


FKS kids grow their creative muscles daily using a variety of media including crayons, paints, markers, play dough, cut paper, etc. 


Music from all cultures is played in our classrooms each day.  Children will engage in song, chant, rhythm activities and biweekly music classes with Milestones in Music.


Large motor movement is a part of every day at FKS.  Whether it's dance, yoga or our weekly gym class with Mr. John from Lil Sports, FKS kids keep their bodies active!


Working on our language, communication, and pre-reading skills are part of every day at FKS.  We encourage children to ask and answer questions, and express their feelings.  Children will read independently, in groups and with teachers each day.


Math and logic are included in FKS' daily curriculum.  Children will sort, create patterns, count, add and subtract and problem solve to flex our math muscles.

Outside Play

Fresh air is good for the soul and FKS kids will get outside every day that weather allows.  FKS believes that daily outside play is essential for children's health and development.  On a nice day, you may find us reading or doing other lessons outside to enjoy mother nature for a little longer. 

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